Highlights for brave

O que é a bravura

The mission we bravely lead

To democratise access for everyone to the best tools, machinery, equipment and accessories for construction, agriculture, garden, safety and car maintenance, for professional or everyday use. Every day, with the instinct of a leader, pride in our origins, empathy for others and respect for nature.

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Estamos entusiasmados por vos informar que a INTERNATIONALE EISENWARENMESSE KOLN 2024 já arrancou, e a VITO está cá, em pleno! A decorrer até dia 6 de Março em Colónia, Alemanha, convidamo-vos a juntarem-se a nós no Hall 10.2, Stand F011 E010.   Mergulhem no nosso mundo de ferramentas elétricas inovadoras, ferramentas manuais e equipame
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Every day, the VITO Roadshow travels kilometres with determination and bravery, bringing VITO's machinery and tools closer to you. We're getting closer! Keep an eye out for us in your area.

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Quer ser distribuidor

Want to become a distributor?

We build the future with our network of distributors all over the world. Be part of this network with the best range of machines and tools for your customers!

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